After about a year of researching Zlatopolsky, I finally was able to contact his son who was kind enough to mail me a copy of a wonderful documentary he created about his father. I have uplaoded it to YouTube. Eventually I hope to have English subtitles for the entire film, since the narration is in Russian.
Enjoy this film on perhaps the greatest oktavist of all time. Feel free to comment--I would love to hear your thoughts.
Part 1
One of the high points of this first part was hearing Zlatopolsky on the performance of Mozart after the 33:00 mark. He drops to a Bb1 with the pipe organ, and resolves on F1.
Part 2
I particularly enjoyed the footage of Motya singing under A. Yurlov at the beginning of this episode, especially the contra A flat a little after the 1:10 mark at the end of "Nothing but Steppe All Around". We also learn that Zlatopolsky was involved in Polyansky's recording of Grechaninov's "Seven Days of Passion".
I was previously unaware that Zlatopolsky was in the bass section here, so I purchased the disc. It is an amazing recording: Grechaninov's compositions are breathtaking, and the bass section is strong even by Russian standards.